Fine Art Photography Matt Hill Fine Art Photography Matt Hill

NIGHT PAPER in Astoria Park with Lulu Limoncella

Last night we had the pleasure of working with the talented Lulu Limoncella in Astoria Park. Our neighborhood. If felt good to bring the project to a space that is special to us, and to work with someone so vibrant and excited. It was a beautiful, clear and warm evening and here are the images we made. Thanks, Lulu!

If you want to learn more about Lulu, check out her website (and catch one of her burlesque shows!) or perhaps say hello on Facebook

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Fine Art Photography Matt Hill Fine Art Photography Matt Hill

NIGHT PAPER with Tiny D on an Upper East Side Manhattan Rooftop

I am delighted to share with you the next adventure in the NIGHT PAPER series. We had the fortune of working with Tiny D last night on a friend's rooftop on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.

It was a gorgeous summer night. Mild, partly cloudy and very private on the fairly expansive rooftop. This evening/s paper fashion was black and white Tyvek mirrors sewn together to create a gown of sorts, along with a bristol paper mask.

Without further introduction, here are our favorite photos:

Want to learn more about our fabulous model?
Tiny D - The Queen of Latin Burlesque
Website Facebook Twitter Instagram

Want to become a part of the NIGHT PAPER project? Learn more.

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Fine Art Photography Matt Hill Fine Art Photography Matt Hill

Night Paper with Iris Explosion in Central Park

I am so pleased to present the next NIGHT PAPER art experience. Our guest for this evening's gorgeous night in Central Park, NYC, was Iris Explosion. She brought beauty and grace to one of New York's most iconic public spaces, and we're so glad to work with her.

We visited the Naumburg Bandshell, the Minton Tiles at Bethesda Arcade, the Bethesda Fountain and The Pond. At night, they all take on new faces and when combined with long exposures, multiple light sources and artists performing, the spaces transform into something otherworldly. Enjoy the art set from this shoot, and welcome back NIGHT PAPER after a hiatus from last Fall.

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Night Photography Matt Hill Night Photography Matt Hill

Brooklyn Waterfront with Clara Coquette

This Saturday evening past, we had the distinct pleasure of having Clara Coquette join again for another Night Paper shoot. This time we went to visit the East River Piano, a somewhat recent phenomenon, nearly buried in the sand under the Manhattan side of the Brooklyn Bridge.

I was alerted to the opportunity by Rich Scarpitta, who visited us while at the Astoria Flea a week or three ago (and many thanks!). Apparently, we have som mutual friends, including Rob Yasinac, who authored the enxeccelnt book, HUDSON VALLEY RUINS: Forgotten Landmarks of an American Landscape.

OK, without further ado, on to the photos! I nearly dragged out the recently-acquired Corona C-1 8x10 camera, but alas, this will appear during future NIGHT PAPER shoots. My trusty D700 + LOMO Petzval Lens and Nikon 14-24mm took the situation to task.

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