On May 19, 2013 we held a unique live art experiment called, "Paper Burlesque" at the Slipper Room in NYC. SEE PHOTO GALLERY
Seven courageous artist performers joined us to present a surreal experience unlike any other.
As the show began, I spoke these words to our audience of nearly 100 people who came out on a rainy Sunday night...
"Paper Burlesque is a handmade act of art and entertainment. From the transient, fragile paper which comprises the fashions that will be removed for your enjoyment, to the one-night event designed much like life and art - to be enjoyed now and will never happen again as you will experience it tonight.
We make art because we are compelled to do so. I am compelled by happiness. Without creation, I am unhappy. With, I am exhuberant. Triumphant. Closer to complete.
We made this show together. The dancers provided courage and enthusiasm, along with their concepts for the acts you will see tonight.
I'd like to take one moment to express my gratitudes. We have many, many talented artists working with us on this project and I am proud to collaborate with all of you. First and foremost, I'd like to thank Sincerely Yours.
Sincerely joined us for a frosty photo shoot on Rockaway Beach in November, just 2 weeks after Hurricane Sandy. She is the link the brought us here to the Slipper Room, and a courageous, beautiful soul.
Second, I want to thank Todd Beers for offering us this unique and groundbreaking chance to evolve the NIGHT PAPER project by offering the exhibition space in the Slipper Room gallery, and the crazy opportunity to do a live show blending my current arts with live performance. On top of that, he is also a wonderful man and emcee of this show, so you will also get a chance to know him.
Next I want to thank my Production Manager, Mabel Bermejo. Mabel - you provided irreplaceable support in many forms, creative assistance and an iron determination to make this show happen. You are the strength behind this production. Your powers of organization, your creative ideas and your dedication are the glue that hold this production together and keep it on rails.
I'd also like to thank the two Jeffs - Dietz who is helping us as a stagehand and McCrum who has advised on many things including gallery lights and is also filming tonight's performance for us. Also wor thanking are Mel and Ryan from Flying giant - making a little BTS film about this process.
Finally, I wish to thank all of the performers, without whose talents, ideas and enthusiasm, this show would not exist. Contrane, Falana Fox, Matt Knife, Rosabelle Selavy, Heather Whatever & again Sincerely Yours. Together we made this show, and now it is yours. Please cheer for the artists when you like what you see! Without further ado... "
Four tripods: One for video, three for photography.
Please use the menu at left or photos below to browse the photos from each performance. Shot on both film and digital, I strove to further develop my NIGHT PAPER project by making long exposures combined with flash during the live performance.
A film of the event is yet to come. Sign up below for my mailing list to be notified!
Sign up to be notified when "Paper Burlesque: The Film" will be available.