Night Photography at Red Rock in Nevada

​It's always a good time to get out shooting with my good friend and teaching partner Gabriel Biderman. While we were out in Las Vegas for WPPI 2013, we managed to grab an evening out in the desert nearRed Rock Canyon National Conservation Area. Sigh.. the park is closed at night. But the shoot must go on! We found some roadside nearby that was spectacular. I put a Google Maps embed at bottom of post if you want to shoot in the same place.

​ISO 200, f/7.1 @ 8 1/2 minutes
​Nikon D700. 14mm + Silver Efex Pro

​​ISO 200, f/2.8 @ 40 seconds
​Nikon D700. 14mm + Silver Efex Pro

​​​ISO 200, f/2.8 @ 80 seconds
​​Nikon D700. 14mm + Silver Efex Pro

​​​ISO 200, f/7/1 @ 6 1/2 minutes
​Nikon D700. 14mm + Silver Efex Pro

​​​ISO 2000, f/2.5 @ 10 seconds
​Nikon D700. 105mm

​​​ISO 200, f/2.5 @ 2 minutes
​Nikon D700. 105mm + Silver Efex Pro

​ISO 200, f/1.4 @ 1 minute
​​Nikon D700. 50mm + Silver Efex Pro

​​ISO 200, f/1.4 @ 1 minute
​Nikon D700. 50mm + Silver Efex Pro

Thanks for reading! Check me out on Twitter @MattHill and Facebook

Matt Hill
I am a visual artist, technology sponge, educator and in passionate pursuit of living in the present. I specialize in Night Photography and Cut Paper Art.

Valley of Fire Revisited


Night Paper #8 FILM: Falana Fox on the 56th Floor in Manhattan