NIGHT PAPER with Jacob and Morgan at Portland's Docks

Yesterday I was very lucky to look out my window to see two acrobats performing pose flows right across the street in front of a beautiful mural here in NE Portland. I was so enchanted by how they moved that I felt compelled to approach them and ask if they would consider being part of NIGHT PAPER. I was delighted to get a call a couple hours later from Jacob Brown (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter)  and Morgan with an enthusiastic yes. 

With only six hours to coordinate the shoot and create paper fashions that would not be in the way of the flying poses, I madly went into creative mode. And thanks to Tucker Stevenson, I had an awesome guest assistant who is also well versed night photography. It was all kismet. 

Deepest gratitude to the amazing Jacob and Morgan for making their beautiful art with me. 

Here are the results. Enjoy!

Thanks for reading! Check me out on Twitter @MattHill and Facebook

Matt Hill
I am a visual artist, technology sponge, educator and in passionate pursuit of living in the present. I specialize in Night Photography and Cut Paper Art.

NIGHT PAPER with Becca at Cathedral Park in Portland, Oregon


NIGHT PAPER at Multnomah Falls with Kris