Night Photography in Red Hook, Brooklyn

Gabe organized a fun outing to Red Hook for some night photography fun and invited Mike, Angelia and I to come along.
View Larger Map GPS coordinates from one of my first shots in map above. Interesting: Google hasn't updated their satellite image to show IKEA yet!

After a really cold, snowy winter, we had a warm night. In fact, Mike and Angelia were removing layers before we set out from Gabe's place. We shot for over four hours near IKEA, where the old cranes were left in place around the campus. We were totally alone and got to rock out on the long exposures. We had a variety or digital and film gear with us. Alas, my Mamiya 7 battery flunked out on the first exposure :( Bad planning, dude. [gallery link="file" columns="2"]

I was testing out the Nikon 14-24mm, 24-70mm and 70-200mm f/2.8 lenses. Unfortunately for me, I fell in love with all of them. Interesting things to look out for - at f/16 ~ f/22 with the 70-200mm, I got 16-point stars from the aperture blades. And on the 14-24mm, I guess due to the extreme aspherical element on the front, light sources that would be off-angle to other lenses caused flare. I didn't remove them, as they are part of the photograph, and this isn't an assignment. But I'd keep a watch out for it if I were out on a job.

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